
WILD: Serengeti

Created by Bad Comet

Film wild animals in the Serengeti and direct your own inspiring wildlife documentary in this beautiful board game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Buffalo Unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 08:34:40 PM

Yay! The Buffalo has been unlocked! Our little Serengeti is becoming more robust than ever!

Our next Stretch Goal is the Monkey meeple and Specialist Card!

When we were voting for additional meeples, out of all the monkey's Baboon had the highest votes, which was why we thought Baboon would be the right choice😢.  It seems as though aside from the Baboon the Vervet monkey from our First player marker design is a pretty big contender. So, once the Monkey Stretch Goal is unlocked we will be commencing another voting session for which of the two you would like to see added!

Also, the Specialist Card Contest so many of our backers have participated in has officially been closed! There was a total of 178 comments and an amazing amount of ideas. Everyone give yourselves a pat on your back cause you guys are amazing! 👍 The team will be going through each and every idea to see which idea will be the 2(hopefully 3) to join our game!

But as you know 178 is quite a lot so it'll take a bit of time to read and go over the idea. So, we will be back with the announcement for the winner this coming Wednesday, the 15th of September!

Once again, thanks to each and every backer for their AMAZING idea(s) and for taking the time to really consider our game and to put your thinking caps on to create some amazing content! We wish we could implement every one of them but a contest is a contest, so we hope you understand.

One more thing before I go on to the fun fact to end our update.

A lot of our backers have mentioned that the Social Stretch Goal, Goal is looking to be a bit high. So, we decided maybe a different platform could help us get there faster? We're grateful for everyone who has already followed us on Instagram but we would love to include one more winner for our contest before our campaign is due to end! So, how about we change the remaining number of followers needed on Instagram to YouTube Channel Subscribers? We currently have 167 subscribers so how about we make that number 500? We're about 300 short on Instagram to reach our goal so we'll make that 300 something count for the number of YouTube Channel Subscribers!

Instagram doesn't seem to be very popular amongst our backers but YouTube is pretty universal, right?

So help us get to 500 subscribers on YouTube and let's get that 3rd winner in line for our Backer Specialist Card Contest!

To end our update, as always, a fun fact. With our buffalo unlocked we'll spotlight them today!

If you've ever seen pictures of Buffalos you can often tell they are covered in mud with a bird on their back. Did you know that the mud actually gets rid of those nasty ticks and parasites and the birds on their backs eat the fleas, ticks, and parasites like lice and also get a free ride out of it?! So cute! 😁

That's it for today! I'll see you when the monkeys are loose!

Monkey Unlocked! Let's get to voting!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 08:34:19 PM

The Monkey has been unleashed! And now will be provided in every Promo pack!

Now for the real deal of today's update. VOTES! Will it be,

Let us know who it will be! You know the rules😉 But for our new backers, the rules are as below.

  • One of the 2 choices pleases (Votes such as: Both, all, 1 & 2, 1 or 2, and etc. won't count😢)
  • Comment ONLY UNDER THIS POST. No others will count.
  • Votes will be open until Midnight, September 16th! (EST)

I know many of you mentioned the coloring of our Monkey was not the greatest choice(Shh... they don't know what you've been saying)... Is the color too off-putting? As you know in the game we already have so many in the brown and yellow family. And we are trying to make sure that the colors of each animal don't collide too much but at the same time give off a good color scheme. So we thought the off-green color really fit well together with the rest of the Serengeti family when put together while still having its own distinctive color. If you saw it in real life we know you'll really like it!

With vote info out of the way, on to the next order of business, our next Stretch Goal.

6 Upgraded Lock-Tokens will be added to our Wooden Token Set Add-on!

When we were first planning out our add-ons, we didn't think we should include components like the Lock Tokens that don't require too much handling to only increase the cost of the upgrade for our backers. But we heard you loud and clear! We want to give our backers what they would like so Wooden Lock Token it is! The Upgraded Lock Token will be added to our Wooden Token Upgrade add-on if you have or will add on the upgraded tokens to your pledge. No extra charge, and no price changes. This one is on us😉. If this is a game-changer and you would like to add add-ons to your pledge now, visit the link below for detailed visuals of steps to alter your pledge😁

※IMPORTANT: The upcoming stretch goal will only be received by Backer who purchased the Upgraded Wooden Token Add-on. Those who have not purchased the Add-on will not receive the Wooden Lock Token.

Finally, I wanted to nudge everyone about our Social Stretch Goal again.

We've got about 100 more subscribers left until we reach that 500 Goal. Once we reach 500 we will be including one more Backer Designed Specialist Card into the game so help us reach that 500 and give another idea a chance to be put in the game!

On to today's fun fact to end our update.

Today in honor of our votes I brought 2 facts about 2 of our lovely contestants.

Did you know Vervet's use a variety of calls and learn them at a very young age? There have been instances seen where mothers are seen punishing the young for playfully calling out the wrong call to see the reactions of other group members😆

As for our Baboons, did you know they are the world's largest monkeys? From head to toe(minus their tails) they are said to grow to be about 34 inches or 86cm and can weigh up to 82lbs or 37kg!

That's all for this update. Remember to cast your votes and I'll see you next time!

Lock Token Add-on & Social Stretch Goal Unlocked
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 08:34:04 PM

It's before the FINAL 48 but we're up to 3670 backers! The team is super busy and these final hours can be super stressful, but we are preparing to wrap things up with a full heart. There are only 54 Hours of funding left to go and I cannot thank our backers enough who have participated every which way during the campaign. Let's put ourselves in high gear and making those remaining hours count!

The Lock Token has been unlocked! So to every backer who has purchased the Wooden Token Add-on, the 6 Lock Tokens will be added to the upgrade.

 ※Lock tokens are not available to those who have not purchased the Add-on.

Our next Stretch Goal is the Python and the Specialist Card!

We've received quite a lot of comments/requests regarding Blank Specialist Cards that backers could fill in themselves with an amazing ability of their own. So we thought, what better way than to combine that idea with a meeple! But, there was strong feedback about the Stretch Goal, the Blank Specialist Card to be exact. So, we decided to change the Stretch Goal a bit and provide the Python meeple with a specified Specific Specialist!

On to our 200k Stretch Goal.

Our 200k Stretch Goal is the Secretary Bird! 

Originally, the 200k stretch goal was a Silk Screen Player Marker upgrade, not the Secretary Bird. There was a preview of them on the updated campaign page and... sadly, was not well received. We had them made when we were finalizing some of the backer feedback about upgraded silk printed Player Markers but the Art team also was hesitant because they felt the Player Markers seemed like they could steal the attention from the animeeples. So we decided to pull the idea and started thinking about what Stretch Goals Backers would like to see the most, and thought Additional Meeples would be the best choice. 

Secretary Bird was the next inline from our Backer Additional Meeple Vote! Right after was the Meerkat, I know, but unfortunately, Meerkats do not inhabit the Serengeti so we were unable to include the little dude.😢 I hope during the last surge of our campaign we can reach 200k and unlock the beautiful Secretary Bird!

On to the next order of business, our Social Stretch Goal has been Unlocked! Hurray!

There will be a total of 3 Backer Designed Specialist Card to join the team! You guys are amazing!

The results for the contest were originally scheduled to be announced on the 15th but we'll need to delay it just a bit longer. We wanted to make sure all ideas receive equal testing/reviewing so we need a bit more time to do this thoroughly. I hope you understand. Hopefully, by the 16th or 17th, I'll be back to announce the final 3 chosen!

About additional Add-ons.

Those who are supporting our campaign have given us some amazing ideas for Add-ons to help us increase the amount of pledges. However, it seems like it will be difficult to add additional Add-ons moving forward.

  1. As SKUs increase, the complexity of production and logistics processes increase.
  2. The time we have left feels very tight to us to plan, consider price factors, quality control, and etc. We might be able to release it in a hurry but we might not be able to confidently bring the quality that we would like in that product. With the added SG's, the game box is filled to almost its max capacity. If we were to add additional Add-ons, we would need multiple sample works done to make sure everything that needs to be stored inside the box can be stored inside the box. But along with other popular add-on ideas, this will be difficult to do in the given time. We apologize.

P.S. The only additional add-on we are considering from feedbacks is the Cloth pouches for Extra Meeples. However, this also needs further discussion with the manufacturers and if we are successful, we will make sure to add it to the Pledge Manager.

We cannot thank you enough for the amazing ideas. If a Wild sequel comes out, we will most definitely work to reflect on all these ideas! Rather than adding additional components, moving forward we hope to focus our attention on further developing the added components and making an overall, quality game.

Quick note, we have it in our FAQs and have mentioned to our backers before when asked about specifications for our cards that our cards are white core. We've received suggestions for upgrading our cards to Ivory core so I thought I'd make it clear just in case we caused some confusion. 

White core = Ivory core, we've corrected the FAQ section and wanted to update everyone that our cards will indeed be Ivory core, with a Linen finish, and 300gsm. 😀

Now on to our fun fact. We've come full circle and it's back to our Zebra today!

Did you know that Zebras have great memory? Their memories help recall safe migration routes every migration season!

That's it for today's update. Thanks, everyone! I'll see you soon!

Specialist Card Unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 11:54:21 PM

The Presenter Specialist has been unlocked!

Isn't the artwork amazing? 😍

Some of our backers have asked if a Python is being unlocked after seeing the image of the Presenter Specialist Card, but unfortunately, the Presenter will not be a card that will use a Python. I'm sorry if we put you up to that expectation. Our Presenter was drawn a while back and if we were to have a Python Specialist join us in the future😉, this image could be modified accordingly.

The upcoming Stretch Goal is artwork for the bottom box sides. This goal is for the bottom SIDES of the box not the inside of the lids. Looking at our comments it seemed as though some of our backers were not too thrilled about the idea. And while developing the Box Art, the Art team needed time to reconsider this. Originally, the box art was going to be voted on by backer votes but given all these facts, though unfortunate, we do not think we'll be holding a voting session for the artwork. So, we have decided to decrease the Goal amount from 150,000 to 145,000. We apologize for going back on our word. I hope you understand. 😞

In other news, the Monkey vs Buffalo Votes has been counted for! And I have the results ready to share! Drum roll please~  🥁🥁🥁

With 56% The Buffalo has been chosen as our $155,000 Stretch Goal! We would like to thank each and everyone for their participation!

I would also like to add, Team Monkey! This doesn't mean the end for our Monkey! This just means who comes first😉 Hopefully, we'll be able to unlock our Monkey as well!

Lastly, our Social Stretch Goal is still in the works! We have some of our superstar backers helping us get the word out but we really need everyone's support to get another Backer Made Specialist Card included! As of right now, we are up to 1,611 followers on Instagram. Help us reach 2,000 and give another idea a chance!

Now for today's Fun Fact! The Crocodile!

Did you know that Crocodiles can go for months, sometimes even years without food?!

That's it for today's update! I'll see you in the next one!

Add-ons and Social Stretch Goals!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 08:01:41 AM

The wait is over! Add-ons are finally available! And here are the options:

Upgraded Wooden Tokens - $14

I think by far the add-on most asked for across all our platforms was upgraded tokens, thus Upgraded Wooden Tokens were born. There will be 25 each of the Food and SFX Tokens and 35 Coin Tokens. Both sides will be Silk Printed. Designs are final but there may be modifications in the production process. If such a case were to arise we will be informing everyone of the alterations.  

Extra Set of Meeples - $8

You'll receive one more set of the Wild: Serengeti animals meeples. (15+α  So, one of each)

The animals included are Zebra, Hyena, Rhino, Gazelle, Lion, Wildebeest, Giraffe, Jackal, Elephant, Leopard, Crocodile, Vulture, Ostrich, Hippo, Cheetah.

If additional animeeples are added through Stretch Goals those animeeples will also be included in this 'Extra Set'.

Card Sleeves - $12

Transparent card sleeves for all cards in Wild including the stretch goals. This will include 230 transparent sleeves of 100gsm.

※ Prices do not include shipping fees or applicable taxes. Adding Add-on(s) to your pledge will likely increase your tax and shipping costs. The Final tax and shipping fees will be calculated and collected in the Pledge Manager.

Here's how to add Add-ons to your Kickstarter pledge:

1) Click the green "Manage my pledge" button

2) Then towards the bottom, click "Change your pledge"

3) Scroll to your pledge and click the green "Pledge" button.

4) It should show you your reward and the Add-ons that are optional. Click the green "Add" button for the "Add-on(s)" you wish to add to your pledge and click continue! 

And voilà! The "Add-on(s)" have been added to your pledge!

You'll be able to add these Add-ons later in the Pledge manager, but if you add them through Kickstarter, you might be able to help us open our next Stretch Goal even faster!

Another popular request for add-ons was a wooden upgrade for the Rock of Ages. We wanted to be able to have this add-on for our backers, so much! But we were worried about the extended production time that we could face due to this add-on, so we ultimately decided to exclude it. There's an absolutely necessary amount of time to test different options and builds and receive them from the manufacturers and send notes back and several tests to find the right upgrade. But we cannot predict at this point how much time we would need to do this. Therefore, to make sure we get the product delivered to you by the promised time, we decided to exclude the upgraded Rock of Ages. Hopefully, if we're lucky enough to come back with a sequel for Wild, we'll consider having this add-on prepared for our next campaign!

Now on a lighter note, let's unlock some additional Social Stretch Goals! We all know, our community is one of the BEST. 

Our goal is this, our current Instagram Follower count is at 1,401 we're asking that you help us reach 2,000 and we'll add an additional winner to the Backer Specialist Card Contest! That's 3 winners total for the Specialist Contest for a total of 2,000 followers. So help us reach 2,000 to add another winner!

Lastly, I know many people are awaiting the results for the additional meeple votes. We'll make sure to have the results ready for you in our update when our next stretch goal is unlocked! Now that the Add-ons are open I hope the next Stretch Goal is not too far off in reach🤞. Thanks everyone for your patience!

To end our update, a fun fact! Today I have one about the Jackal.

Did you know that all packs of jackals have their own distinctive sounds? It's so that only members of their own family respond to it.

That's all for today! I'll see you next time.