
WILD: Serengeti

Created by Bad Comet

Film wild animals in the Serengeti and direct your own inspiring wildlife documentary in this beautiful board game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Co-op Mode UNLOCKED + Additional Meeple Results + Votes for 2nd Place
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 06:45:59 PM

Our Co-op Mode has been unlocked! No more having to cheat to lose😉

 Before I introduce our next Stretch Goal I wanted to go over our Additional Animeeple vote results!

  Warthog has one first place and Buffalo and Monkey were tied!

  • The votes for monkeys were a collective result, including Baboons, Vervets, Lemurs, Galagoes, and etc.
  • Some of the votes came in after votes were to end so 14 votes were not counted.
  • We've asked our backers who gave us more than 2 animals for clarification but received no responses so some of these we're also not counted.

 So, following these results, the $135,000 Stretch Goal will star our very own Warthog!
Now that Add-ons are also available, I hope we'll get to unlocking the Warthog soon.

Now, given that the Buffalo and Monkey were tied, I think we might need another session of votes. Both are amazing but depending on who is placed at a lower Stretch Goal the higher chance it'll have of being unlocked. So, I believe ranking is an important aspect, and because both the buffalo and monkey received so much love I thought a fair vote would be best.

We brought some drafts as well so you can get a feel for what they might look like! Monkey? or Buffalo?  Let me know who your pick will be down below.

[Vote Conditions]

  • Only the votes before Midnight, September 10th EST will be counted.
  • Only votes UNDER THIS POST will count.
  • Please leave a comment for ONE of the two.

Is all this voting getting old or bothersome for anyone? If so, let me know. I want to be able to give our backers as much say and really feel the involvement in our game production, but it might not be someone else's thing you know? So, let me know!

Summary of Events in Progress

  • If you haven't participated in our newest Social Stretch Goal, give us a hand at unlocking another SSG and help us get to 2000 followers on Instagram! 
  • If you haven't seen it already, Add-ons are now available! Click the link and a step-by-step direction of how to add add-ons to your pledge and all add-on choices will be kindly shown. Come take a look!
  • Backer Contest is still in session and open for your ideas until September 12th, Midnight EST.

Now, there are about 9 days left until the end of our campaign, so let's make the most happen, together!
Fun Fact to end our update today will be about our Leopard!

You know that leopards are strong climbers right? But did you know that they can even drag up heavy prey into the trees in order to prevent other predators from stealing their dinner?

That's really all for today. Make sure to leave your votes below and participate in our events. And if you have time visit us in our comment section!

Thanks everyone!

Warthog Unlocked
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 03:20:30 PM

Finally Warty is coming home!

If you're part of our comment section and/or an avid follower of our numbers, you know that getting to our warthog friend was a bit of a ride. But we've made it!

The next Stretch Goal coming up is a New Specialist! Thanks to the many Stretch Goals we've unlocked so far, we've gained quite a collection of Specialist😁

Thanks to our backers our game is fuller than ever! Oh, that reminds me, everyone has inputted their idea's for the Backer Specialist Card Contest right? It is still ongoing so if you have a great idea for a Specialist Card you think would go amazing with our game click here and let us know!

Also, our Social Stretch Goal is waiting to be unlocked. If you happen to have an Instagram account please follow us  @badcometgames to help us unlock that Goal. If we reach 2000 we'll be adding another winner to our Backer contest! There are so many amazing ideas already and I'm sure more to come. So, help us reach our goal and give one more idea a chance to make it into the game.

And as mentioned before, newly unlocked Animeeples will be added to our Additional Meeple Set Add-on. But today, along with our newly unlocked Warthog, we wanted to announce that our round tracker Hornbill will be added to our Additional Meeple Set as well!  There won't be an extra charge for the new additions so don't worry😉

In other news, we've made it to #1 on Kicktraq!!! Thank you! We couldn't have done it without you! And I wanted to take a bit of time and truly thank our comment section crew and our click club.❤ 

We have such amazing backers so I want to let you know that the comment section really helps vocalize your thoughts, concerns, questions, dreams, and just friendly conversations. So, come visit us there!

Now on to our Fun Fact to finish off this update!

You might already know that Warthogs like to roll in the mud, but did you know the mud actually protects them from the sun, acting like sunscreen? And it's known to also be a great protective barrier against bugs!

That's it for today! Our next Stretch Goal is nearing so I'll see you in a little bit!

2 Scene Cards UNLOCKED!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 05, 2021 at 06:29:01 AM

2 Scene cards have been unlocked!

Our next Stretch goal is Co-op mode. I often play board games with my nephew, and I try my best to lose(don't tell him that), but sometimes my plans don't follow through and I end up winning. It happens, you know? But this sometimes causes quite a scene and/or just very difficult situations. And a game where you're striving to lose is no fun.

With the various animal meeples, Wild has that family game look to it but it's an interactive AND competitive game. That's why we felt a Co-op mode was necessary. A mode where everyone achieves a common goal peacefully, so let's unlock it!!

In other news, the First Player Marker votes are in! A total of 363 people participated! Thanks, everyone for your participation. Now, on to the results!

The #1 Marker had the most votes! But there was some feedback that the bottom of the tree could look better with some bends like #2 and #3. So, taking this into consideration we'll see if we can adjust the design a bit!

The vote for additional animeeple is closed now. Thank you everyone for commenting. I will let you know the result as soon as possible :)

Lastly, a Specialist Card Contest is being held. If you have an idea for a Specialist Card you love to see added to our game, let us know in the link below! We want to be able to incorporate as many Backers ideas into our game as possible! CONTEST LINK

Our fun fact to end today's update will feature our Elephant!

Did you know that the baggy skin and wrinkles on elephants keep them cool under the hot sun?

That's all for today! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

The Specialist Card Contest has been unlocked! Submit your idea today!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 04, 2021 at 12:02:17 AM

Our Social Stretch Goal has been unlocked! Thanks, everyone for going over to BBG and pressing that bright red heart and becoming a fan! Thanks to your participation, we were able to bring forth a fuller game!

And to go along with that, the Contest for the best Specialist Card idea is about to unfold.

Is everyone ready?


  1. Let us know your Specialist's name and power.
    ex) Writer - Gain 1 food or 2★ when completing Scenes with no Icons.
  2. The Bad Comet Team will choose 2 of the ideas that fit best. If there are multiple ideas that we love, we'll see to it that we pick the top picks and follow through with a voting session with our backers to pick our final 2.
  3. If your Specialist card is chosen, your name will star on that Specialist card and you and our art team will be able to discuss the direction for the artwork!
  4. We hope that the cards you design will be a perfect balance to our game. So, to put a disclaimer out there, we please hope you understand that even after a Specialist card is chosen from this contest, we may have to go through some modifications to help balance some of the card's abilities based on internal judgment.


  • Term: Today - September 12th Midnight EST
  • Only comments under THIS update will be counted.
  • One backer is allowed to submit multiple ideas/entries
  • Two ideas from the same backers could be chosen
  • If there are multiples of the same idea, then the backer who commented the idea FIRST will be chosen.


  • Does it show its own uniqueness?
  • Can it be applied to the game without compromising balance?


  • Avoid the ability to interfere too much with other players. For example, the ability to move animals rashly as a free action. Our game is already pretty interactive, so further interruption could weaken gameplay.
  • Be careful in designing concepts with Coin capabilities. Coins act with action points so please note that 1 coin is very valuable.
  • Let's try to avoid abilities that will be hard to track. For example, the ability to receive a food token every 3 specific actions.
  • Just as an FYI, the average balance of 30 points is set throughout the specialist cards. Not all cards meet this average but calculating all specialist cards the average comes out to 30. For reference, click the link here to see all the current specialist cards. 

※ If you have a chance to go through the ideas from other backers and you really enjoy someone's idea, make sure to leave them a thumbs up through replies! The results will not directly be determined by the number of thumbs-ups but we want to incorporate your opinions as much as possible.

Because only 2 of the many will be incorporated into the game, we know some backers may become upset that their idea was not chosen. Especially, given that the decision will be made internally and not by backer votes. But we hope you know that this decision is to ensure an all-around balanced play.

We hope to see all the ideas you have! Let's make this even better, together!

Today's fun fact will be about our Vulture today!

Did you know that the acids in a vulture's stomach can destroy lethal bacteria and digest bones?

That's all for today! Let's the brainstorming begin!

Cheetah Unlocked + VOTE for Additional Animeeple
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 04:41:14 AM

Our gracious Cheetah has been unlocked! Great work team! We'll all be able to enjoy a beautiful Cheetah meeple added to our Wild: Serengeti Family!

Our upcoming Stretch Goal is a Backer Specialist Card CONTEST!

I already see so many ideas in our comment sections, I'm super excited for the ideas that will come along once the contest is unlocked. More than anything we love the group effort this project is bringing.  So let's make this together!

And I'm sure, as the title suggests, the main event for this update! We will be taking your votes for additional meeples to be added into Wild: Serengeti.

So far we've taken our backer's input into consideration and unlocked our Hippo, Ostrich, and Cheetah. We've received quite a few suggestions and the number of backers supporting each animal is very close so, we're curious. The animals mentioned most often and that live in the Serengeti that we've seen so far are Monkey, Warthog, Buffalo, Python, Wild dogs, Secretary bird, and more but there are no outlines in today's vote. We would love it if you could tell us ANY 2 Serengeti animals you'd love to see in our comment section below.

The conditions for your choices are as follows

  • They must be an animal inhabiting the Serengeti.
  • The animals we currently have do not apply. The current list will be below.
    Zebra, Hyena, Rhino, Hippo, Gazelle, Ostrich, Lion, Wildebeest, Giraffe, Jackal, Elephant, Leopard, Crocodile, Vulture.
  • Votes in the form of comments ONLY UNDER THIS POST will be counted.
  • Votes will close at Midnight on September 4th EST.
  • Let's get to it! Feel free to shout out your favorite Serengeti animal!

In other news, we already have 398 fans on BGG!  That's an amazing accomplishment in just 1 day! Our magic number 500 is nearing so if you're not yeta fan of Wild: Serengeti on BBG come visit us through the link and hit that heart button and become a fan today! 

On to today's fun fact! For the occasion, Cheetah will be spotlighted today!

Did you know that cheetah's claws actually don't retract when they're running? It's said that they act like cleats to help them reach that top speed!

Thank everyone! Till next time!